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10 Exchange Square

10 Exchange Square

10 Exchange Square is a 161,000 sq ft building originally designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merill, located on the northwest corner of Exchange Square. It has been redesigned by Coffey architects to deliver 75,000 sq ft of new workspace, a welcoming social lobby and high specification cycle and changing facilities.

Building Features


150 bike racks,
13 showers,
116 lockers

Clear floor to ceiling
height of 2.75m

Occupational density of
1:10 sq m per person

400 tonnes carbon saving
by retaining existing raised
access flooring

100% of energy comes
from certified sources

GOLD Wiredscore rating

67kg embodied carbon per m2
93% saving vs industry average

99% of all refurbishment
waste reused or recycled

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